The scent of mint filling Kitami with


The scent of mint filling Kitami with​

The history of cultivation of mint

The history of mint cultivation in Kitami area started in around 1900 (Meiji 30s) by settlers trying to distill mint that had been treasured as a material of medicine at that time. Hokko-sha and farmer-soldiers got interested in this because they were struggling hard to cultivate. They tried cultivating mint as a side job. Then it was found that the weather of Kitami was suitable for the cultivation, and mint cultivation developed into a representative industry in Kitami. The mint factries were built in 1933 (Showa 8), and the products achieved high reputations to be exported overseas. 

The history of cultivation of mint

The history of mint cultivation in Kitami area started in around 1900 (Meiji 30s) by settlers trying to distill mint that had been treasured as a material of medicine at that time. Hokko-sha and farmer-soldiers got interested in this because they were struggling hard to cultivate. They tried cultivating mint as a side job. Then it was found that the weather of Kitami was suitable for the cultivation, and mint cultivation developed into a representative industry in Kitami. The mint factries were built in 1933 (Showa 8), and the products achieved high reputations to be exported overseas. 

The mint industry that built the foundation of Kitami

1939 (Showa 14) was the golden age for Kitami mint industry to have 70% of the world share, and it built the foundation of Kitami. That made Kitami authorized as a Heritage of Industrial Modernization by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry on November 30th, 2007 (Heisei 19). Hokuren Kitami Mint Factory, which was opened in 1934 (Showa 9), rendered many services to the development of the industry in Kitami. The factory was demolished in 1983 (Showa 58) and Hokuren Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives donate it to Kitami. In 1986 (Showa 61), it was re-opened as Kitami Mint Memorial Museum to play a new role. 

The mint industry that built the foundation of Kitami

1939 (Showa 14) was the golden age for Kitami mint industry to have 70% of the world share, and it built the foundation of Kitami. That made Kitami authorized as a Heritage of Industrial Modernization by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry on November 30th, 2007 (Heisei 19). Hokuren Kitami Mint Factory, which was opened in 1934 (Showa 9), rendered many services to the development of the industry in Kitami. The factory was demolished in 1983 (Showa 58) and Hokuren Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives donate it to Kitami. In 1986 (Showa 61), it was re-opened as Kitami Mint Memorial Museum to play a new role. 

Cool and refreshing scent around you

A lot of products made with mint were there around you, for example, food and sweets made with mint’s refreshing flavor, luxuries such as cigarretts and alcoholic beverages with menthol, soaps and cream, repellents, bath items and deodorants… Mint that has been used as medicine since ancient times, and it is still around you to have changed the shape into various things. Please enjoy the high grade mint scent of Japanese mint and some other kinds in Japan.

Cool and refreshing scent around you

A lot of products made with mint were there around you, for example, food and sweets made with mint’s refreshing flavor, luxuries such as cigarretts and alcoholic beverages with menthol, soaps and cream, repellents, bath items and deodorants… Mint that has been used as medicine since ancient times, and it is still around you to have changed the shape into various things. Please enjoy the high grade mint scent of Japanese mint and some other kinds in Japan.